We are more than 1,000 members strong from throughout the Northwest Indiana region, committed to empowering Indiana voters through voter registration and education. We will stand with our neighbors and our institutions against policies that threaten either. We use the Indivisible Guide to engage our Members of Congress in the 1st Congressional District of Indiana and make sure our voices heard. We work closely with Indivisible groups from across the state of Indiana to amplify our voices. We stand INDIVISIBLE, united in our belief for liberty and justice for all. We are not affiliated with a political party. We are focused not on one candidate, or on labels, but on the issues that unite us.
YOUR VOICE is powerful. Together, OUR VOICES are powerful. And we are working as an organization to make sure our voices are as loud as possible. We are coordinating with Indivisible groups across the state of Indiana so that we can all press our senators and representatives at the same time with the same message—THOUSANDS OF HOOSIERS. That’s where our power lies. That’s when our Members of Congress will take notice.
We are incorporated with the state of Indiana. Donations to us will go to fight evil, but they are not tax-deductible.
Still unsure if you want to join our resistance? Do any of these apply to you:
Do the actions of state or federal administrations, legislative bodies or congress make you feel like you have no choice but to stand up and do something?
Do you want to fight against actions that threaten YOUR livelihood and YOUR rights, YOUR healthcare, YOUR planet, YOUR values?
Do you want to work to protect your neighbors whose rights or livelihoods might be threatened by these policies?
Do you want to work to get us back to a place where facts and the truth matter?
Indivisible NWI Mission Statement
We the people of Indivisible NWI stand against any agenda that threatens our American values, our institutions and our neighbors. We commit ourselves to preserve democracy for all by respectfully, effectively and vigorously engaging our members of Congress to ensure full representation for the 1st Congressional District of Indiana.
We will follow the Indivisible Guide and the new guide, A Practical Guide for Fixing Our Democracy, as we build a sustainable local organization to empower our members and to help voters from throughout the Northwest Indiana region fully participate in our system. We will focus on the issues that unite our members.
We are a diverse organization that values inclusion, fairness and tolerance.
Defend. Stand up in defense of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Unite. Bring like-minded people together around the resistance and common issues.
Organize. Build a local organization to protect our values, institutions and neighbors.
Empower. Encourage and enable civic engagement in the political process to make our voices heard to Members of Congress.
Educate. Help inform voters about how policy and legislation affects their lives.
Vote. Register voters and protect voting rights.
Change. Be a force in elections to move the country in a positive direction.
Our Story
Indivisible NWI was founded on Jan. 13, 2017 as a closed Facebook group with three members. People nationwide had started to find the Indivisible Guide, a roadmap created by former congressional staffers to effectively direct the energy of those who didn’t want to just sign a petition, who didn’t want to just scream on Facebook but who wanted to act, in resistance of the administration’s agenda. By the end of the week, Indivisible NWI had grown to more than 100 members.
Then the Women’s March happened. And we learned we were not alone. Millions were looking for an outlet to funnel all their angst, fear and anger. On Jan. 29, Indivisible NWI had its first “meet and greet” in Griffith, with about 30 people attending, some of whom were visibly shaken by the Muslim travel ban that had been implemented the day before. How was this our country?
We decided to get to work, and by our first “official” meeting on Feb. 19, 2017, we had doubled to 65 people, with a focus on building the structure to give our members the loudest voice possible. By our March meeting, 150 members were in the audience, including our Congressman, U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky. Before month three, we hit 1,000 members, organized regular water deliveries to support our neighbors in East Chicago, met with U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly, pressed our legislators on the EPA, healthcare legislation, Russian interference in our election and many other issues, while also connecting with Indivisible groups across Indiana and the nation. Alongside North Carolina, we were one of the first states to connect Indivisible groups statewide and activate a statewide coalition.
We are dedicated to changing the political landscape of our district, our state and our country as well as making a positive impact in our regional community.