We the people of Indivisible NWI

stand against any agenda that threatens our American values, our institutions and our neighbors. We commit ourselves to preserve democracy for all by respectfully, effectively and vigorously engaging our members of Congress to ensure full representation for the 1st Congressional District of Indiana.

We will follow Indivisible Guide, Indivisible: A Practical Guide to Democracy on the Brink, as we build a sustainable local organization to empower our members and to help voters from throughout the Northwest Indiana region fully participate in our system. We will focus on the issues that unite our members.


An important note from Indivisible NWI

We remain dedicated to the tasks of voter awareness and education, helping to truthfully inform the public about importan issues and legilation, both state and national, and activism. For the most up to date information on our activities, how you can help, and what we're doing to further our mission, please join our Facebook page. Of course, you can always email us with specific questions or concerns and we'll respond as quickly as we can.

Recent Posts

  • Legislative Update–Indiana
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    You can make a difference We will meet this Thursday, Feb. 6, at 6pm at the Portage Library, 2665 Irving St. in Portage. If you haven’t already done so, you can sign up here:’ll have updates, calls to action, and time to work in our group, sharing what we’ve done so far and planning immediate actions. We’re ...
  • reliable sources for information
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    Sources of Information “Independent media is most likely to hold Trump accountable, even when that media has an acknowledged bias. These include outlets like  ProPublica Courtier News Crooked Media Zeteo The Bulwark Judd Legum’s Popular Information This also includes online creators like Hasan Piker Elizabeth Booker Houston David Pakman Brian Tyler Cohen These folks are not traditional ...
  • National Update & legislative report
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    You can make a difference Join us for our next public meeting at the Portage Library on Feb. 6 at 6pm. Hear important updates and plan actions in our working groups. (learn more about our working groups here. You can join one at any time!)Sign up here–and bring a friend! Save the date: Thursday, Feb. 13 via zoom for a self-care event.  Save the date: Thursday, Feb. 27 at 6pm at the ...
  • Reduce your stress–a user’s guide to following the news
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    The news is too much for all of us right now and I think many of us feel frozen and helpless because we don’t know what to do. Covering our heads in a blanket and not emerging again for 4 years may sound appealing, but most of us want to do something, so that’s not an option. The answer may be not even trying to read about everything–delegate and prioritize. Here at Indivisible ...
  • calls to action State & National–1/28/2025
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    From Indivisible National–an easy way to contact your senators about the worst of the worst of the cabinet nominees–and the most vulnerable. They all face hearings/votes this week. Just click the link: to connect with your senators via email or phone. Calls to action: Indiana(Provided by MadVoters’ excellent Bill Watch.)And a sample script for ...
  • indiana legislative update
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    You can make a difference How To Get Involved Join us for our next public meeting on Thursday, Feb. 6, at the Portage Library, 2665 Irving St. in Portage at 6pm. Join us for updates and working groups. They are working to plan and take actions in a variety of areas. You can join a group at any time. Read about our Working Groups here: up ...
  • How a bill becomes a law in indiana
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    Navigating the Indiana Legislative Session (from Indiana Public Broadcasting Stations) Bill filingDepending on the length of the legislative session, the deadline for filing bills is either Jan. 9or Jan. 11 – generally. There are exceptions for filing the two-year budget after agubernatorial election. First readingThis is a procedural step. Bills are typically moved forward in big groups ...
  • moving forward: working in groups
    In General, taking action
    During our last public meeting attendees talked about their most important issues and concerns. Based on what was emphasized most, the Steering Committee suggests starting with the following three groups: Citizen Education Voter registration Misinformation Petition drives to establish ballot initiatives Civics education Some ideas to work on these areas: Many of the above will be incorporated ...
  • what’s next–Dec. mtg recap & moving forward
    In General, taking action
    At our Dec. public meeting we worked within Indivisible National’s ‘Gathering in Community’ framework. We broke up into four groups to discuss individual priorities and ideas for actions. Each group was led by one of our steering committee members—Kim, Marilyn, Nancy, and Linda. We had fruitful conversations which are summarized below.Then the Steering Committee gathered your input and determined ...
  • updates & calls to action
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    You can make a difference We had a very productive meeting last week–lots of great ideas and action suggestions as we move forward. We divided up into groups so everyone could give us input as we plan immediate and long term actions. Save the dates for our next meetings:Thursday, Jan. 9 at the Merrillville LibraryThursday, Feb. 6 at the Portage LibraryLook for additional calls to ...
  • Update & legislative report
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    You can make a difference Moving forwardTrump’s win has created “renewed interest in progressive activism. Since Election Day thousands of Americans have newly joined the loose coalition of online and in-person groups aimed at challenging Trump’s policies in court and in Congress, according to several of the organizers.While plenty of Democrats are tired, frustrated and tuning out the ...
  • Take Action Now! Call asap
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    You can make a difference–Working together we will win this fight Then join us as we plan actions moving forward! Indivisible has made these calls easy. Just click on the links. Tell your Representative to Vote NO on H.R. 9495 to Stop Trump From Attacking Dissenting Organizations Tell your representative that you expect them to vote against H.R. 9495, which Trump could use to shut down ...
  • Indivisible: A practical guide to democracy on the brink
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    You can make a difference–Working together we will win this fight Summary of New Indivisible Guide (Read it all at It’s full of great insights and ideas for concrete and effective actions) Chapter 1: What Happened and Why it Matters. Heading into the 2024 election, Americans were angry about inflation and frustrated with the status quo. Some voters either flipped to ...
  • the history of project 2025
    In elections, General, In The News, Project 2025
    WHAT IS PROJECT 2025? Project 2025 is a federal policy agenda and blueprint for a radical restructuring of the executive branch authored and published by former Trump administration officials in partnership with The Heritage Foundation, a longstanding conservative think tank that opposes abortion and reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, immigrants’ rights, and racial equity. Project 2025’s largest ...
  • 25 things to know about project 2025
    In elections, General, In The News, Project 2025
  • Legislative Update–Indiana
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    You can make a difference We will meet this Thursday, Feb. 6, at 6pm at the Portage Library, 2665 Irving St. in Portage. If you haven’t already ...
  • reliable sources for information
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    Sources of Information “Independent media is most likely to hold Trump accountable, even when that media has an acknowledged bias. These include ...
  • National Update & legislative report
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    You can make a difference Join us for our next public meeting at the Portage Library on Feb. 6 at 6pm. Hear important updates and plan actions in our ...
  • Reduce your stress–a user’s guide to following the news
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    The news is too much for all of us right now and I think many of us feel frozen and helpless because we don’t know what to do. Covering our ...
  • calls to action State & National–1/28/2025
    In Legislation, Weekly Legislative Updates
    From Indivisible National–an easy way to contact your senators about the worst of the worst of the cabinet nominees–and the most ...

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