You can make a difference
Stop the hate! We have to confront the disinformation that leads to deadly consequences, so let’s start sharing the truth, not amplifying lies.
The nation is mourning after the killings of eight people in Georgia, killings that have brought scrutiny to the prevalence of violence and hate speech toward Asian Americans. Read more at The Guardian.
While such bigotry toward Asian Americans has always existed, since the pandemic began there has been an alarming increase in hate speech and violence. Crimes against Asian Americans have risen by more than 150%. Read more at Stop AAPI Hate. The former President frequently referred to COVID-19 in terms that were derogatory toward China and often repeated by others. Such rhetoric has been blamed for an uptick in violence, harassment and hate speech toward Asian Americans. See Newsweek for more.
Take action by
Learning more:
Check out and share this resource on anti-Asian violence.
Check out The Making of Asian America: A History by Erika Lee for a comprehensive look on the long and forgotten history of Asian American life.
Stop AAPI Hate: National Report
Donating if you can:
If you’re able, split a donation among eight organizations that are fighting to protect and support the AAPI community. Click here to split a donation now.
Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta protects the civil rights of the AAPI community in Georgia and the southeast. If you can, consider donating.
Contacting your MOC:
If your representative is one of these 164 Republicans who last year voted against Rep. Meng’s resolution condemning Anti-Asian racism, or one of the 172 Republicans who voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (less than 24-hours after the murders in Atlanta), call them at (202) 224-3121 to let them know you were paying attention and their actions have consequences.
H.Res. 151: Condemning all forms of anti-Asian sentiment as related to COVID-19 was reintroduced in the current legislative session on Feb. 23. Let your representative know how you feel.
Join Indivisible NWI on Thursday March 25 at 7pm as we welcome the Foodbank of Northwest Indiana. We will learn about the Foodbank and how we can help them to fight food insecurity!!
Please register. You will receive a link to join the meeting.
Help us help the Foodbank to combat food insecurity!
Please contact your state representative about
- Senate Bill 389 will repeal wetlands protections. Talking points from Hoosier Environmental Council. Mythbusting on SB 389: The Senate Environmental Affairs committee will hear SB 389 on Monday.
- Senate Bill 198 will create a new crime, conspiracy to commit rioting. Peaceful protesters can be charged if a protest incurs $750 in damages.
- SB 353 Various Election Laws Matter would prevent any change to Indiana’s already draconian election laws while imposing others.
Please contact your state senator about
- House Bill 1005 School Matters Indiana Coalition for Public Education: “This is a very broad sweeping bill with a number of impacts on public schools as well as private voucher programs. It also creates Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) which allows taxpayer funded unsupervised homeschooling..” More details at ICPE.
- House Bill 1001 State Budget Although Governor Holcomb proposed increasing public school funding, this budget is diverting a third of the money appropriated to school vouchers.
- House Bill 1369 Firearms Matter would allow handgun carry without a permit.
- House Bill 1577, Telemedicine and abortion-related services. Women4Change: “This bill would allow mental health providers to not participate in abortion-related practices or procedures based on ethical, moral, or religious beliefs.
As you read through the state legislation below, become involved by contacting your state representative or senator to tell them your support for or against. Make your voice heard. Many of the bills being considered this year seek to wrest control from local to state control, decrease gun control, favor private over public school funding, and remove environmental controls and regulations.
Let’s do our part to help alleviate food insecurity, which is especially dire during these times.
Donate to or volunteer at Food Bank of NWI
For a list of local food pantries:
Meals on Wheels, NWI:
The truth matters
Fact checks
BLM protests were peaceful and rarely violent. Yet republicans still compare the siege on the capital to these peaceful protests, as Senator Johnson did last week. “But the two events were fundamentally different. One was an intentional, direct attack on a hallowed democratic institution, with the goal of overturning a fair and free election. The other was a coast-to-coast protest movement demanding an end to systemic racism that occasionally, but not frequently, turned violent.” The republican party is now a party of false equivalences. Read more at the Associated Press.
American Rescue Plan is HUGE for America. Unfortunately many are lying about what’s in it. The legislation includes a huge increase in safety net spending and is being called “the largest antipoverty effort in a generation.” The bill is also widely popular with the public: 77% of voters approve of it, including 59% of Republican voters. Even when framed as a “Democratic plan,” 53% of Republicans still support it. Read what’s in it here. It’s comprehensive legislation that will rescue the economy and help end the COVID-19 crisis.
The southern border and immigration has become a rallying cry for republicans, but their assertions are often not backed by facts. Associated Press notes that despite republican cries to the contrary, “the encounters of both unaccompanied minors and families remain lower than at various points during the Trump administration, including in spring 2019. That May, authorities encountered more than 55,000 migrant children, including 11,500 unaccompanied minors, and around 84,500 migrants traveling in family units.” Read more at the Associated Press. In fact, more than 70% of encounters at the border have resulted in immediate expulsion as the Biden administration continues to use an existing public health rule. (AP)
Under HR 1, the sweeping voting rights reform passed by the House, Federal voting rights would be restored to felons once they have been released from prison. Some republicans have been criticizing the bill for allowing felons in prison to vote. Among those is Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk who falsely claimed that the sweeping voting and elections bill House Democrats passed would put a ballot in the Boston Marathon bomber’s hands. This will likely never be true since the Boston Marathon bomber is serving several a life sentences. In fact, eighteen states already give the right to vote to those who have been released from prison. Read more at Capradio and Politifact.
The facts of Trump’s now famous phone call to Georgia’s Secretary of State asking him to ‘find’ enough votes for him to win have not been cast in doubt as suggested by Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo. Read more at Politifact.
COVID 19 vaccines used in the U.S. and abroad do not contain aluminum as has been claimed on social media. Some Chinese COVID-19 vaccines, as well as some vaccines used against other diseases, do use tiny amounts of aluminum to help boost the immune response. Small amounts of aluminum have been used in vaccines since the 1930s and there is no evidence at all that they cause harm or that aluminum enters the brain and causes disease as the claim states. None of the COVID vaccines used in the U.S. contain aluminum. Read more at the AP
In Congress this past week:
Passed the House
HR 1868 To prevent across-the-board direct spending cuts, and for other purposes. “This bill would exclude the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 from the budgetary scorecards established by the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) Act of 2010 to prevent across-the-board spending cuts from being triggered by the ARP’s enactment. Among the budget cuts caused by the ARP that this bill would prevent include $36 billion from Medicare and $80 billion to $90 billion from other mandatory spending programs in fiscal year 2022.” Passed 246-175 with both Indiana democrats voting yea and all Indiana republicans voting nay. See the vote.
HR 6 American Dream and Promise Act of 2021 “This bill …would combine longstanding efforts to provide a roadmap for U.S. citizenship for unauthorized immigrant youth, people who have or are eligible for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), people who had or were eligible for temporary protected status (TPS), and people with deferred enforced departure (DED). In total, it would offer a path to citizenship for about 2.5 million Dreamers and other immigrants with temporary humanitarian protection.” For more details of this bill see Causes. Passed 228-197. Indiana’s two democratic representatives voted yea; all republican representatives voted nay. See the vote.
HR 1603 Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019 “This bill …would provide a compromise solution for U.S. agriculture by making meaningful reforms to the H-2A agricultural guestworker program and creating a first-of-its-kind, merit-based visa program specifically designed for the U.S. agricultural sector. It contains provisions related to non-citizen farmworkers, including provisions establishing a certified agricultural worker (CAW) status and changing the H-2A temporary worker program…” For more details see Causes. The vote was 247-174. Indiana’s two democratic representatives and republican representative Baird voted yea; all other Indiana republicans voted nay. See the vote.
HR 1085 “This bill would direct the Speaker of the House and the President pro tempore of the Senate to arrange for three Congressional Gold Medals to be awarded to the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) and other law enforcement agencies that protected the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.”
Passed 413-12. See the vote.
House Bill 1620 Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act “This bill would reauthorize through fiscal year 2024 the Violence Against Women Act’s (VAWA) grant programs, which aim to protect women from domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The VAWA’s most recent authorization lapsed in December 2018. A breakdown of what this bill reauthorizes and reforms can be found at Causes. Republicans object, among other things, to the prohibition of firearms for domestic abusers who are not married, which would eliminate the boyfriend loophole. They are calling this bill a political weapon. Passed 244-172. Both Indiana democrats voted yea. All Indiana republicans voted nay. See the vote.
H.R. 1799: PPP Extension Act of 2021 “To amend the Small Business Act and the CARES Act to extend the covered period for the paycheck protection program, and for other purposes.”
The vote was 415-3 with all Indiana representatives voting yea. See the vote.
H.R. 485: Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act “This bill reauthorizes through FY2027 and revises the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act and the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment and Adoption Reform Act of 1978 to expand services for preventing and treating child abuse.” The vote was 354-73 with all Indiana representatives voting yea.
H.R. 1651: COVID-19 Bankruptcy Relief Extension Act of 2021 “To amend the CARES Act to extend the sunset for the definition of a small business debtor, and for other purposes.” The vote was 399-14 with all Indiana representatives voting yea.
H.R. 1652: VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act of 2021 “To deposit certain funds into the Crime Victims Fund, to waive matching requirements, and for other purposes.” The vote was 384-38 with all Indiana representatives voting yea.
H.R. 1112: Protect Democracy in Burma Act of 2021 “To require a report on the military coup in Burma, and for other purposes.” The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.Res.134 – Condemning the military coup that took place on February 1, 2021, in Burma and the Burmese military detention of civilian leaders, calling for the release of all those detained and for those elected to serve in Parliament to resume their duties, and for other purposes. Read more at Causes. Passed 216-14 with all Indiana representatives voting yea. See the vote. A simple resolution is not voted on in the other chamber and does not have the force of law.
House Bill H. Joint Res. 17 “This resolution would eliminate the deadline Congress imposed on the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex under the U.S. Constitution.” Passed 222-204 with both Indiana democratic representatives voting yea and all Indiana representatives voting nay. See the vote. Moves to the Senate.
“House Republicans passed a resolution during their conference meeting on Wednesday in support of restoring earmarks….
The House GOP’s 102-84 vote comes as Democrats gear up to revive the practice, which allows members to secure federal funding for specific projects.” Read more at The Hill.
The Senate
The Senate confirmed Katherine Tai to be U.S. Trade Representative by a unanimous vote, a first for that position since the George W Bush administration. She is a former House trade lawyer who will be taking up the numerous commercial disputes initiated by the Trump administration. Read more at Politico. Isabel Guzman was confirmed as administrator of the Small Business Administration; Xavier Becerra was confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Read more at Politico.
Ohio’s attorney general is suing over a provision in the American Rescue Plan Act that doesn’t allow states to use relief money allotted to them to cut taxes. They can make policy decisions to cut taxes, but they can’t use pandemic relief funds to offset the cost of tax cuts. If they do, they will have to pay back the Treasury. Read more at Politico.
“A provision regarding state taxes in the COVID relief package passed by Congress earlier this month has caught the eye of” Senator Braun who has introduced a bill to repeal the provision that states cannot use relief monies to offset revenue lost due to tax cuts. (WIBC)
Passed Senate and the House
H.R. 1276: SAVE LIVES Act “To authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to furnish COVID-19 vaccines to certain individuals, and for other purposes” This bill passed without objection so no record of individual votes was taken. This bill has now passed both chambers and goes to the President next.
The week ahead in Congress
The House will not be in session for floor business for the next three weeks; the next floor vote is expected April 13. Hybrid committee hearings will be held. The Senate will continue confirming Biden’s nominees, debate extending the lending period for PPP loans and hold committee meetings. After the coming week, the Senate will not be in session until the week of April 12. Read more about the week ahead and committee hearings at Causes.
To find and contact your Members of Congress:
In other news:
Intelligence reports were released that said that Iran and Russia, not China as William Barr had asserted, sought to influence the Presidential election, primarily by sowing mistrust in the electoral process and social-political discord. Read more at The Hill , CNN, and the Associated Press.
Investigations into the shootings in Atlanta are ongoing with cries for justice. Many are calling it a hate crime motivated by racist misogyny. Read more at the Associated Press. Atlanta has a new state hate crime law, but such a charge can be difficult to prove. Read more at The Conversation.
President Biden addressed the shootings, saying, “We have to change our hearts,” “Hate can have no safe harbor in America.” Biden called on all Americans to stand up to bigotry when they see it, adding: “Our silence is complicity. We cannot be complicit.” “They’ve been attacked, blamed, scapegoated and harassed; they’ve been verbally assaulted, physically assaulted, killed,” Biden said of Asian Americans during the coronavirus pandemic. The President also called the shootings an example of a “public health crisis of gun violence in this country…” Vice-President Harris also spoke, “Racism is real in America. And it has always been. Xenophobia is real in America, and always has been. Sexism, too,” she said. “The president and I will not be silent. We will not stand by. We will always speak out against violence, hate crimes and discrimination, wherever and whenever it occurs.” She added that everyone has “the right to be recognized as an American. Not as the other, not as them. But as us.” Read more at the Associated Press.
More than 4000 unaccompanied children have crossed border, an increase over past surges. While the Trump Administration expelled such minors, the Biden Administration is allowing the children to stay, at least temporarily. The administration is still expelling adults and families. At least 3,000 have been in custody longer than the 72-hour limit set by a court order and the administration is working to find other accommodations. Besides setting up new temporary facilities to house migrant children, it is also backing aid to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to try to stem the flow of migrants at the source. Read more at the Associated Press.
The Internal Revenue Service will delay the April 15 tax deadline until mid-May, according to a report from Bloomberg. (Nextstar)
Thousands of students defrauded by for-profit schools will have their Federal loans fully erased for students defrauded by for-profit schools. The ruling reverses a Trump administration policy that had given them only partial relief. Read more at the Associated Press.
The Senate announced this week that they have moved up their 3rd reading deadline with a goal to end the 2021 legislative session a week early, wrapping up by April 21st this year.
Bills of concern still under consideration:
SB 413 Education Matters
Indiana Coalition for Public Education: “This bill authorizes a school board to transfer operating funds from tax revenue to charter schools based on ADM of the charter school compared to total of public school. Recall that last year legislation passed that allowed school corporations to share with charters, this bill mandates that a public school share a referendum with a charter school. Any foster child can get voucher. Amends maximum amount for every eligible student for choice scholarship to 90% of state tuition support. Does away with the categories for different levels based on income. This is regressive in terms of impact on community. Gives same type of financial support to wealthy families as to impoverished families. Also includes a hold harmless for performance on statewide assessments.”
Senate Bill 389 will repeal wetlands protections. Talking points from Hoosier Environmental Council. Mythbusting on SB 389: Bill 198 will create a new crime, conspiracy to commit rioting. Peaceful protesters can be charged if a protest incurs $750 in damages.
SB 353 Various Election Laws Matter would prevent any change to Indiana’s already draconian election laws while imposing others.
House Bill 1369 Firearms Matter would allow handgun carry without a permit.. Permitless Carry has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senator Liz Brown is the chair of the committee. As chair, she has the ability to to not have the bill heard. Call or email and ask her to not hear the bill. Here’s a sample script: “Hello my name is [insert name]. I’m calling today to ask Senator Brown to NOT hear HB 1369 on the Judiciary Committee. This issue is very important to me. Thank you.” Email:; phone: 317-234-9426
House Bill 1577, Telemedicine and abortion-related services. Women4Change: “This bill would allow mental health providers to not participate in abortion-related practices or procedures based on ethical, moral, or religious beliefs.
SB 5 Appeal of local health enforcement rules
Southwest Indiana Chamber: “The bill would establish an appeals process for businesses and organizations subject to local Health Dept. mandate, closures, etc. County Health officers have been in charge of mandates within communities across the state and had the ability to impose rules even more restrictive than the Governor’s guideline. Advocates for the bill believe it is important to have elected officials oversee these appeals of actions taken by appointed health officials. One of the major concerns is that the enforcement would be automatically stayed until the appeal is complete (for instance, if a business is closed by the Health Department, it would remain open until the appeal is complete). The House Rules & Legislative Procedures committee held the bill for at least a week expressing a desire to make some amendments before voting on the bill.”
House Bill 1001 State Budget Although Governor Holcomb proposed increasing public school funding, this budget is diverting a third of the money appropriated to school vouchers.
Indiana’s public universities presented their budget requests to the Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday, requesting more funding for higher education in the state budget. Currently, the state plans to set aside 11% of its $36.3 billion budget for higher education over the next two years. Read more at the Statehouse File.
Bills nearing passage:
HB1007 State health improvement and grant program
Southwest Indiana Chamber: This bill “requires the State Department of Health to collect data, study and prepare a plan to improve the health and behavioral health of Indiana residents, present it to the General Assembly, and administer a grant program based upon those efforts.” It passed through the Senate Health and Provider Services committee 12-0 and moves to Senate Appropriations for further consideration.
House Bill 1152 would add penalties for people who don’t disclose income or falsify facts when seeking unemployment benefits. This legislation is aimed at cracking down down on fraud in Indiana’s unemployment system. It passed a Senate committee vote on Wednesday, but it’s unpopular with those who worry applicants making simple mistakes could get caught in the crossfire. (WFYI)
House Bill 1123 States of emergencies; general assembly sessions
This bill passed the Senate Rules Committee with amendments and with all democrats opposed. It creates an advisory committee of legislators that a governor would keep informed during emergencies of a longer duration and passed through senate committee. A key Senate panel on Thursday backed away from more severe restrictions on future governors’ emergency powers. It moves to the senate floor for a vote next. (Journal Gazette)
Amended Indiana emergency powers bill moves on Fox 59
INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana lawmakers want to be able to call themselves into session during a public emergency even if that means a challenge in the courts. Read more also at the Statehouse File.
HB 1002 Civil immunity related to COVID-19
Southwest Indiana Chamber: This bill was considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee amid frustrations and concerns. Amendments narrowed the focus of the COVID related liability bill to healthcare-related operations and to retroactively prohibit class action lawsuits against universities. The meeting frequently became heated as stakeholders expressed “deep concerns” complaining that it unduly restricts the right of Hoosiers to bring civil actions, and the retroactive immunity offered in the bill from February 2020 to January 2025 was too long. Committee members sparred over language deemed “overly-broad.” HB1002 was held by the Chair and will return next week for further consideration and a “cleanup” amendment.
HB 1152 Unemployment insurance
Southwest Indiana Chamber: This bill “is the agency bill from the Department of Workforce Development to clarify language regarding overpayment of unemployment benefits due to fraud or failure to disclose wages.”
HB 1077 Child operated refreshment stands
Although this bill passed unanimously in the House, it may die in the Senate due to concerns about removal of local control. Read more at the Statehouse File.
SB 232 Exposure Risk Diseases
This bill helps provide loved ones who lose someone to COVID-19 to receive line of duty death benefits. The bill has passed through the Senate and one House committee and is now under review in a second House committee. Read more at MyWabashValley.
SB 167 Theft and sale of catalytic converters and valuable metals
This bill would make catalytic converter theft a felony. It has passed both chambers, but is back in the House with amendments. Read more at MyWabashValley
SB 1230 Safe Haven 911
Newborn safety is the focus of another bill that recently passed both Indiana Statehouse chambers and is now back in the House with amendments. Read more at MyWabashValley.
HB 1156 Prohibition on microchipping employees
This bill extends the prohibition passed last year to government employees. It passed through Senate committee and now can be heard on the Senate floor. Read more at the Statehouse File.
SB 10 Statewide maternal mortality review committee
The bill was heard for the second reading in the House and is moving to the third reading in the House before returning to the Senate. Read more at the Statehouse File.
HB 1365 Various election matters
Women4ChangeIndiana: “This bill has been passed and adopted by the Senate Committee on Elections. HB 1365 outlines several voting and vote count policies.”
HB 1384 Civics education
Women4ChangeIndiana: “This bill has been amended by the Senate and returned to the House. The amendment included minor changes to the wording of the bill. This bill has already passed through the House and had bipartisan approval from the Senate. HB 1384 outlines a plan for creating standardized civics education in Indiana.
HB 1479 Early Voting
Women4ChangeIndiana: “This bill has been passed and adopted by the Senate Committee on Election. This bill would provide more time for voters to cast their early ballots. HB 1479 has already passed through the House.”
HB 1485 Voting matters
Women4ChangeIndiana: This bill has been passed and adopted by the Senate Committee on Elections. This bill outlines several voting and polling place policies and has already gone through the House.
HB1397 Technical training and workforce development
Southwest Indiana Chamber: “This bill “requires the Governor’s workforce council to create a workforce catalog for CTE so that students and families can have a single source for identifying opportunities. The bill also provides flexibility for schools to use work-based learning to replace a Core 40 course where the same lessons are learned (geometry in building, physics in electrical work, etc.). The Senate Education Committee held the bill until next week for any potential amendments and a vote.”
SB3 Telehealth matters
Southwest Indiana Chamber: This bill passed out of committee with a few changes. If an insurance policy allows telehealth services, it may not require use of any specific information technology application, dentists and veterinarians were added to the list of providers, and if a provider feels the quality of healthcare provided would be negatively impacted by utilizing telehealth they may not be forced to provide telehealth services by an insurer. An Amendment prohibits abortion services providers from utilizing telehealth.
SB214 Low income housing
Southwest Indiana Chamber: This bill “creates the opportunity for local governments to work with developers of workforce housing to use a Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) program, which establishes an annual payment in lieu of traditional property taxes that will provide stability to both the local government and the developer. The Ways and Means Committee passed the bill 21-0.”
HB1190 Overweight Truck Permits
Southwest Indiana Chamber: This bill drew 19 stakeholders to the Statehouse to speak in Senate Homeland Security and Transportation Committee. Amid questions and concerns the bill was held over in committee until next week.
Passed the Senate
HR 1230 Safe Haven 911
This bill allows for parents in distress to “be able to call emergency services to pick up their newborn baby if they decide to give up custody and cannot drop it at a designated “Safe Haven” location like a fire or police station.” The Senate added amendments and so the bill went back to the House. Read more at the Statehouse File.
A number of noncontroversial bills passed the House early in the week. Read about these bills at the Statehouse File.
Passed the House or Senate and goes to the Governor next
HR 1006, Law Enforcement Officers, passed unanimously in the Senate and goes next to Governor Holcomb. Read more at NWI Times.
This bill will “will implement a series of changes for law enforcement officers in areas of use-of-force training, body cameras and personnel files. Senators and representatives applauded the redefinition of a chokehold, which will be classified as deadly force and will be prohibited unless it’s a life and death situation.” Read more at the Statehouse File. This bill passed the Senate unanimously and goes to the Governor next. Read more at IndyStar.
Senate Bill 2 Funding for virtual instruction in public schools
Virtual instruction will be fully funded once the governor signs this bill into law. See the vote. Read more about this bill at the Statehouse File.
Senate Bill 6 State house monument to suffragists
Passed the House unanimously and goes to the governor to sign. A monument for the statehouse will be created by 2024. Read more at the Statehouse File.
SB 81 Training for investigators of sexual assault cases
This bill would require law enforcement training boards to set specialized standards for training and investigating sexual assault cases involving adult victims. The bill passed with a 96-0 vote and is headed to the governor since there were no amendments in the House. Read more at the Statehouse File.
HR 1082 High tech crimes unit program
This bill gives prosecutors in 10 Indiana counties additional resources for investigating and bringing charges against individuals involved in computer-related crime. Passed both houses and goes to the Governor next.
See most viewed and trending legislation from LegiScan Indiana.
To find and contact your Indiana legislators:
In other news
Indiana’s voucher system for school choice is creating more segregated schools. “In many cases, the students are transferring from racially diverse districts to districts that are mostly white and less poor. The data suggest that public school choice, regardless of its intentions, has contributed to students being more segregated in schools by race, ethnicity and family income.” Read more at Chalkbeat Indiana.
Mike Schmuhl has been elected as the new Indiana Democratic Chairman Mike Schmuhl. Schmuhl has worked on a number of campaigns, most recently managing Pete Buttigieg’s Democratic presidential campaign. Read more at Howey Politics.
Governor Holcomb has named Hollie Sullivan as the new Secretary of State, replacing retiring Connie Lawson. Sullivan served for seven years as a representative. Read more at the Statehouse File.
State Health Commissioner Says Indiana Is Getting Fewer Vaccine Doses than Other States
About 13 percent of Indiana’s population is now fully vaccinated against COVID-19. But health officials say the state is getting fewer doses per resident …
COVID-19 in Indiana: 2.3M vaccine doses administered statewide
The Indiana Department of Health Friday reported 878 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the state total to 676,247.
The office of Indiana’s attorney general vigorously defended Gov. Eric Holcomb’s emergency powers in response to a restaurant’s lawsuit challenging his order that masks must be worn inside restaurants to stem the spread of the coronavirus. (South Bend Tribune)
The Indiana General Assembly has 150 legislators for the current session, but only 38 are women. However, women work hard to create bills that will impact all Hoosiers in the state. (The Statehouse File)