You can make a difference:
Control of the Senate will depend upon the results of two run-off elections in Georgia on January 5. Here’s how you can help flip the Senate: Send Postcards to Georgia: Postcards will be sent out; information will be forthcoming. Send postcards with Flip the West: Sign up and you will be furnished with names and addresses as well as a script to use by email. You will need your own postcards. Postcards can be purchased anywhere. Through Amazon at: Send letters with Vote Forward: In addition, Indivisible National is working closely with Indivisibles and other progressive organizations in Georgia to determine the best ways to support the amazing organizing already happening in the state. They will keep folks posted and in the meantime, you can donate to New Georgia Project Black Voters Matter Indivisibles in GA and/or to the candidates’ campaigns: Raphael Warnock Jon Osoff Indivisible hosted a Post Election National Activist Call on Tuesday. Thousands tuned in to celebrate and talk about what’s next. If you weren’t able to make it, you can see the recording here. You can also view the powerpoint that includes various resources referred to in the call. There’s also a mini guide for the upcoming months called “Showing 2020 the Door.” It goes through our goals for the next few months and includes our first Call To Action for the Biden administration — telling your Senators to urge Biden not to appoint corporatists to his cabinet (call script here) You can register here for December 3rd at 7pm Central Time/8pm ET. Let’s do our part to help alleviate food insecurity, which is especially dire during these times and without any additional help from Congress. Donate to or volunteer at Food Bank of NWI Food Bank of NWI received a $100,000 donation to match money contributed so that each contribution will be doubled, now through Dec. 31. More about efforts of Food Bank of NWI to alleviate hunger this holiday season: For a list of local food pantries: Meals on Wheels, NWI: Look for a list of additional local food pantries and organizations that help alleviate food insecurity and ways to help coming soon to our Facebook page. |
Election News:
Trump is throwing everything into his effort to overturn the election results, including pressuring state Republicans to ignore the popular vote. Scroll to the end of the article for a list of legal challenges and their results. (White, Ed, David Eggert and Zeke Miller. “Trump summons Michigan GOP leaders for extraordinary meeting.” AP News. 20 November 2020: )
After meeting with Trump, GOP leaders from Michigan say that the popular vote will stand. (Niedzwiadek, Nick, Gabby Orr and Meridith McGraw, “After Trump meeting, Michigan GOP leaders say Biden’s win still stands.” Politico. 20 November 2020:
Michigan is due to certify election results on Monday, unless the bipartisan board bows to pressure to delay. (Lewis, Simon. “Republicans ask Michigan election board to delay certification for two weeks, audit Detroit votes.” Reuters. 20 November 2020:
Read about what to expect and what can and cannot be done to modify election results in Michigan on Monday. (Grayer, Annie. “What to know about Monday’s Michigan State Board meeting to certify election results.” CNN Politics. 21 November 2020:
The Trump campaign has formally requested a recount in Georgia following official certification of results. (“Trump team requests recount of Georgia’s presidential race.” AP News. 21 November 2020:
Trump campaign observers have attempted to obstruct the Wisconsin recount in two heavily Democratic counties, which was requested by the Trump campaign. (Tarm, Michael. “Wisconsin officials: Trump observers obstructing recount.” AP News. 20 November 2020:
For a detailed update to legal challenges see AP News. (Dale, Maryclaire. “Trump’s legal team cried vote fraud, but courts found none.” AP News. 22 November 2020:
More Republican lawmakers are admitting Trump’s defeat. Senator Toomey of PA was even critical of Trump’s attempts to sway Michigan lawmakers following the denial of the latest lawsuit in Pennsylvania. (Williams, Jordan. “Judge dismisses Trump camp’s Pennsylvania lawsuit in scathing ruling.” The Hill. 20 November 2020:
The House is beginning to take steps to demand that President-Elect Biden be given access to funds and government agencies and officials in what should be a normal transition process. (Marcos, Cristina. “Democrats gear up for last oversight showdown with Trump.” The Hill. 22 November 2020:
Yet we all need to remain vigilant; polls show that nearly 90% of Republicans believe the presidential election results were fraudulent,. The federal government itself has verified that the election was secure: JOINT STATEMENT FROM ELECTIONS INFRASTRUCTURE GOVERNMENT COORDINATING COUNCIL & THE ELECTION INFRASTRUCTURE SECTOR COORDINATING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES,
Trump’s lies are fueling the end of our democracy in a power grab that could be successful unless Republican leaders and lawmakers speak out. The courts have spoken and have thrown out case after baseless case. But Trump’s rhetoric is, as always, drowning out the truth. Contact our senators and governor to demand that they speak out in the name of democracy, unless they want to be complicit in the end of this country’s form of government. Their silence has already placed our democracy on shaky ground for years to come.
In addition, failing to allow President-Elect Biden his rightful access to briefings and ability to coordinate with government officials will likely lead to a delay or mismanagement of vaccine distribution, along with national security disruptions that could have catastrophic consequences. Republican leaders will be complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands more Americans who will needlessly die of the virus for want of a vaccine that should have been readily available to them.
Braun, Mike
374 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4814
Young, Todd
185 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5623
And the Governor:
Eric Holcomb
200 W. Washington St., Rm. 206, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone Number: 317-232-4567
To send an email click on: then select “To contact the governor with questions or comments unrelated to the above, click here.”
Actions in Congress
Congress is now in recess and is expected back in session on November 30.
Signed into law:
H.R. 8294: National Apprenticeship Act of 2020 “To amend the National Apprenticeship Act and expand the national apprenticeship system to include apprenticeships, youth apprenticeships, and pre-apprenticeship registered under such Act, to promote the furtherance of labor standards necessary to safeguard the welfare of apprentices, and for other purposes.” “This bill “would provide statutory authority for the registered apprenticeship program at the Dept. of Labor (DOL). It would also support grant-related programs, among other provisions. A breakdown of its various provisions can be found.” at
Passed House and Senate; President next
H.R. 1668: IoT Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2020 “This bill requires the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to take specified steps to increase cybersecurity for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. IoT is the extension of Internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects.”
The vote was by Unanimous Consent so no record of individual votes was made.
Passed the House
H.R. 4644: Libya Stabilization Act “This bill provides for sanctions and aid related to the conflict in Libya.” Click for a more detailed summary.
Passed the House on Nov. 18 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 8438: Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2020 “This bill expands the President’s authority to impose sanctions related to Belarus to include activities surrounding the disputed 2020 Belarusian presidential election a
nd subsequent government crackdown. The bill also expands authorized assistance to Belarus.”
Passed the House on Nov. 18 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 4802: To amend the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 to authorize rewards under the Department of State’s rewards program relating to information regarding individuals or entities engaged in activities in contravention of United States or United Nations sanctions, and for other purposes. “This bill expands the Department of State’s rewards program to allow rewards for providing information that leads to the identification or location of an entity or individual that knowingly violates U.S. or United Nations sanctions.” Passed the House on Nov. 18 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 5586: Haiti Development, Accountability, and Institutional Transparency Initiative Act “This bill directs the Department of State to undertake specific initiatives to prioritize and assess (1) the protection and preservation of human rights in Haiti, (2) the promotion of press and assembly freedoms and the protection of journalists in Haiti, (3) efforts to combat corruption in Haiti, and (4) a strategy of post-disaster recovery and development efforts in Haiti.”
Passed the House on Nov. 18 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 7990: FENTANYL Results Act “To prioritize efforts of the Department of State to combat international trafficking in covered synthetic drugs and new psychoactive substances, and for other purposes.”
Passed the House on Nov. 18 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 5408: Ukraine Religious Freedom Support Act “This bill directs the President, when determining whether Russia is a country of particular concern for religious freedom under certain federal laws, to consider incidents occurring in the parts of Ukraine controlled by Russia or Russia-affiliated non-state groups. (The United States may take certain actions, such as withdrawing development assistance, against a country of particular concern for religious freedom.”
Passed the House on Nov. 18 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 6334: Securing America From Epidemics Act “This bill authorizes the United States to participate in the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), an alliance of countries and private partners whose mission is to finance and coordinate the development of vaccines for high-priority, epidemic-potential threats.”
Passed the House on Nov. 18 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 7276: East Africa Locust Eradication Act “To establish an interagency working group to develop a comprehensive, strategic plan to control locust outbreaks in the East Africa region and address future outbreaks in order to avert mass scale food insecurity and potential political destabilization, and for other purposes.”
Passed the House on Nov. 18 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 8259: To prohibit Russian participation in the G7, and for other purposes. “This bill prohibits the use of federal funds to support or facilitate Russia’s participation in a proceeding of the Group of Seven (a group consisting of the seven largest major advanced economies, as determined by the International Monetary Fund) or to reconstitute the Group of Eight to include Russia. (Russia was disinvited from the Group of Eight in 2014 after it occupied parts of Ukraine, including the Crimea region.)”
H.R. 4499: NIMHD Research Endowment Revitalization Act of 2020 “NIMHD Research Endowment Revitalization Act of 2019 This bill expands research endowments available through the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities to include former centers of excellence at certain historically black colleges and universities and at biomedical and behavioral research institutions with a significant number of minority students.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 5668: MODERN Labeling Act of 2020 “To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to modernize the labeling of certain generic drugs, and for other purposes.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 4712: Fairness in Orphan Drug Exclusivity Act “To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to limitations on exclusive approval or licensure of orphan drugs, and for other purposes.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 2281: Easy MAT for Opioid Addiction Act “This bill requires the Drug Enforcement Administration to revise regulations to allow a practitioner to administer up to a three-day supply of narcotic drugs to an individual at one time for purposes of relieving acute withdrawal symptoms while the individual awaits arrangements for narcotic treatment. Current regulations authorize up to a one-day supply of narcotic drugs for an individual at one time, for a total of up to three days.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 2117: FASTER Act of 2020 “This bill directs the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to expand data collection of information related to food allergies and specific allergens and revises the definition of major allergen to specifically include sesame. The Department of Health and Human Services may designate additional food ingredients as major allergens based on the prevalence and severity of allergic reactions through regulation.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 5855: Bipartisan Solution to Cyclical Violence Act of 2020 “This bill directs the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a grant program for specified trauma centers and nonprofits to establish or expand intervention or prevention programs related to intentional violent trauma, excluding intimate partner violence.”
H.R. 3878: Block, Report, And Suspend Suspicious Shipments Act of 2020 “This bill creates additional requirements for drug manufacturers and distributors who discover a suspicious order for controlled substances.
In addition to reporting the suspicious order to the Drug Enforcement Administration, a manufacturer or distributor must also exercise due diligence and decline to fill the order.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 6624: USA Telecommunications Act “This bill establishes a program through which the Department of Commerce shall award grants to support the deployment and use of Open RAN 5G Networks throughout the United States.
Grants awarded under the program shall, among other things, (1) promote technology that will enhance competitiveness in the supply chains of Open RAN 5G Networks, (2) accelerate the deployment of Open Network Equipment, and (3) promote the inclusion of security features that enhance the integrity and availability of such equipment.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 7310: Spectrum IT Modernization Act of 2020 “To require the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information to submit to Congress a plan for the modernization of the information technology systems of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and for other purposes.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 2610: Fraud and Scam Reduction Act “This bill establishes a Senior Scams Prevention Advisory Council, which shall create model educational materials to educate employees of retailers, financial-services companies, and wire-transfer companies on how to identify and prevent scams that affect seniors.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 6435: Combating Pandemic Scams Act of 2020 “This bill requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in consultation with relevant agencies, to inform the public about mail, telemarketing, and internet scams related to COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019). The FTC must establish a national database for such information and must also disseminate information on how to report COVID-19-related scams to the appropriate agency.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 8121: Pandemic Effects on Home Safety and Tourism Act “This bill requires the Consumer Product Safety Commission to report, and make available to the public, information about injuries and deaths from consumer products during the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) public health emergency. The report must be submitted every three months for the duration of the emergency.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 8408: Aircraft Certification Reform and Accountability Act “This bill addresses certain safety standards relating to the aircraft certification process.
Among other things, the bill requires the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to direct U.S. aircraft and aerospace industry manufacturers to adopt safety management systems consistent with international standards and practices; convene an expert panel to review organizations that design and produce transport airplanes and make recommendations for improvements; require manufacturers to disclose to the FAA certain safety-critical information related to an aircraft; conduct a comprehensive review of each manufacturing Organization Designation Authorization holder’s capability to meet FAA regulations based on the holder’s organizational structures, requirements applicable to officers and employees, and safety culture; establish an appeal process to review decisions regarding a manufacturer’s compliance with applicable design regulations; revise and improve its process of issuing amended type certificates for modifying an aircraft; initiate a call to action safety review of pilot certification standards in order to bring stakeholders together to share lessons learned, best practices, and implement actions to address any safety issues identified; and conduct an evaluation of tools and methods that support the better integration of human factors and system safety assessments of aircraft flight deck and flight control systems into the FAA’s certification process.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 8266: FEMA Assistance Relief Act of 2020 “Specifically, the bill provides for (1) a 100% federal cost share of assistance provided under the emergency declaration issued by the President on March 13, 2020, relating to COVID-19 and any subsequent major disaster declaration that supersedes it; and (2) at least a 90% federal cost share of assistance provided for any emergency or major disaster declared by the President from January 1-December 31, 2020.” And more.
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 8326: CED Act “This bill requires grant applicants for certain public works and economic development projects to describe in their comprehensive economic development strategy how they will increase the accessibility of affordable, quality child care.”
Passed the House on Nov. 17 and goes to the Senate next. The vote was by voice vote so no record of individual votes was made.
S. 1869: Secure Federal LEASEs Act “This bill instructs the General Services Administration (GSA), the Architect of the Capitol, or any federal agency (other than the Department of Defense and the intelligence community) that has independent statutory leasing authority (federal lessee), before entering into a lease agreement or approving a novation agreement with an entity involving a change of ownership under a lease that will be used for high-security leased space, to require the entity to identify the immediate or highest-level owner of the space and disclose whether that owner is a foreign person or entity, including the country associated with the ownership entity.
A federal lessee shall require the entity to (1) provide such identification and disclosure when first submitting a proposal in response to a solicitation for offers issued by the federal lessee; and (2) update such information annually, including the list of the immediate or highest-level owners of that entity or the information required to be provided related to each such owner.
(Sec. 4) The GSA shall develop a government-wide plan for identifying all immediate, highest-level, or beneficial owners of high-security leased spaces before entering into a lease agreement to accommodate a federal tenant.
(Sec. 5) The bill provides a rule for language in a lease agreement (concerning restriction of access to high-security space) between a federal lessee and an entity to accommodate an agency in a building or improvement used for high-security leased space.”
This bill passed in the Senate and the House, but the House made changes and sent it back to the Senate on November 17, 2020.
Passed the Senate
S. 2216: TEAM Veteran Caregivers Act “A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to formally recognize caregivers of veterans, notify veterans and caregivers of clinical determinations relating to eligibility for the family caregiver program, and temporarily extend benefits for veterans who are determined ineligible for the family caregiver program, and for other purposes.”
Passed the Senate on Nov. 17, The vote was by Unanimous Consent so no record of individual votes was made. Goes to the House next.
S. 512: Seniors Fraud Prevention Act of 2019 “This bill directs the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to establish an office within the Bureau of Consumer Protection to advise the FTC about the prevention of fraud targeting seniors and to assist the FTC with monitoring the market for mail, television, internet, telemarketing, and recorded message telephone call (i.e., robocall) fraud targeting seniors.
The office must (1) disseminate to seniors and their families and caregivers information about the most common fraud schemes, including methods of reporting complaints either to the FTC’s national toll-free telephone number or to the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel Network, where complaints become immediately available to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, state attorneys general, and other appropriate law enforcement agencies; (2) provide, in response to a specific request about a particular entity or individual, publicly available information regarding the FTC’s enforcement action; and (3) maintain a website as a resource for information on fraud targeting seniors.”
Passed the Senate Nov. 18 and goes to the House next. The vote was by Unanimous Consent so no record of individual votes was made.
S. 2904: IOGAN Act “This bill directs the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to support research on generative adversarial networks. A generative adversarial network is a software system designed to be trained with authentic inputs (e.g., photographs) to generate similar, but artificial, outputs (e.g., deepfakes).
Specifically, the NSF must support research on manipulated or synthesized content and information authenticity and the NIST must support research for the development of measurements and standards necessary to accelerate the development of the technological tools to examine the function and outputs of generative adversarial networks or other technologies that synthesize or manipulate content.”
Passed the Senate on Nov. 18 and goes to the House next. The vote was by Unanimous Consent so no record of individual votes was made.
H.R. 6395: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 “To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.”
On Nov. 16 the Senate passed the bill with changes not in the House version and sent it back to the House to approve the changes. The vote was by Voice Vote so no record of individual votes was made.
List of most recent action on bills considered and passed by the House and/or Senate, including a number that renamed many postal service facilities, many awaiting signature by the President:,5,11,10,30,31,9&sort=-current_status_date–
To find and contact your Members of Congress:
In Other News
Another coronavirus relief bill remains unlikely. There appears to be bipartisan agreement for another round of Personal Business Protection loans and aid to states but the parties are far apart on the dollar amounts, especially on the later. (Revell, Eric. “Aid for Small Businesses, State Governments Among the Sticking Points in COVID-19 Relief Talks.” Causes. 20 November 2020: )
Senator Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, held a hearing about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine to treat covid 19, despite consensus in the medical and scientific community that the drug is not effective in treating the virus. Testimonies from three witnesses praised the drug, while one cited studies against its use. Claims were made that doctors aren’t using it because they make more money treating patients with other more expensive drugs. (Georgiou, Aristos. “Top Scientist Left Stunned by ‘Very Odd’ Hydroxychloroquine Senate Hearing.” Newsweek. 20 November 2020:
The Department of Health and Human Services is proposing requiring reviews of untold numbers of regulations and their parts under threat of discontinuing needed services. The Department oversees CHIP and Medicaid, among other programs; these required reviews would likely inhibit the department from dealing with the real needs of Americans in need because of the coronavirus pandemic. Public comment is open until December 4, January 4 for Medicare regulations. (Styrsk, Caitlin. “Department of Health and Human Services proposes to sunset regulations.” Ballotpedia News. 20 November 2020:
(Schneider, Andy. “What the Proposed “SUNSET” Regulation Means for Medicaid and CHIP.” Georgetown University Health Policy Institute. 11 November 2020:
Submit a formal comment here:
Trump has been thwarted in his efforts to politicize the U.S, Agency for Global news, which runs the Voice of America and other U.S.-funded news outlets. (Berry, Lynn. “Judge rules against Trump global media chief after firings.” AP News. 20 November 2020:
The United States continues to forge its own path in vaccine development and distribution, ignoring the needs of less developed countries, even as U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on more G-20 nations to join COVAX, an international initiative to distribute COVID19 vaccines to countries worldwide. The U.S. has not joined. At the G-20 summit, which convened Nov. 21, Trump touted this country’s response to the pandemic while saying he looked forward to working with the group for years to come. Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel called for strengthening the World Health Organization and stressed the pandemic can only be overcome if an affordable vaccine is available to all nations. Following his brief remarks, Trump skipped the event on pandemic preparedness and went golfing. (Batrawy, Aya. “G-20 summit opens as leaders urge united response to virus.” AP News. 20 November 2020:
Census officials say they can’t finish key count before Trump term ends
Census Bureau officials reportedly have told the Commerce Department that they will not be able to complete tallies of state populations required to reallocate seats in the House of Representatives until after President Trump leaves office in January. The news suggested Trump might not be able to remove undocumented immigrants from the reapportionment figures. Trump said in July that he would exclude unauthorized immigrants for the first time in history, a change that would reduce the clout of heavily Democratic areas and probably give Republicans more House seats over the next decade. The director of the Census Bureau, Steven Dillingham, acknowledged the delay Thursday but didn’t rule out providing the figures before Trump leaves office. [The New York Times]
Secretary of State Pompeo’s visit to the West Bank was unprecedented and sought to entrench policy before the Biden administration takes over. (Dwyer, Colin. “Trump Administration Labels Movement To Boycott Israel ‘Anti-Semitic’.” NPR. 20 November 2020:
Executions in Indiana continued this week after a Supreme Court decision in favor and the Trump administration revised the process that had been used just three times in the past 56 years. (Salter, Jim. “US government executes man convicted of killing Texas teen.” AP News. 20 November 2020:
Republicans Reject Indiana House Mask Mandate WFYI
Republicans rejected an effort Tuesday to require House lawmakers to wear masks during the upcoming legislative session. Democrats proposed a …
On Organization Day, which is mostly ceremonial at the Indiana General Assembly, House Republicans beat back a Democrat-sponsored rule change that would have mandated that lawmakers wear masks or other face coverings in the chamber. (Indy Politics)
Masks Optional: Indiana Lawmakers Convene for Session – Governing
Indiana Republicans re-elect Huston as speaker – The Elkhart Truth
Two Indiana lawmakers push to leave COVID-19 protections up to Hoosiers Fox 59
INDIANAPOLIS – Two Indiana State Representatives want to end the governor-issued Public Health Emergency Order. In the resolution, they said …
Legislators Plan early vote on Immunity from Covid Lawsuits
Legislators finished the 2020 session just as the coronavirus pandemic was taking off. They’ll open the 2021 session on Tuesday [Nov. 17] with the virus’s spread at new heights. (WIBC)
Coronavirus In Indiana: Lake, Porter, Newton Counties Elevated To Red Alert Status For COVID …
CHICAGO (CBS) — Lake and Porter counties in Northwest Indiana have been elevated to red status due to soaring numbers of COVID-19 cases and …
Indiana teachers union calls on lawmakers to expand bargaining rights amid COVID
The Indiana State Teachers Association, which represents nearly 40,000 educators, said that some districts are deciding how to respond to the coronavirus without substantive input from educators.
COVID-19 school turmoil, teacher pay face Indiana lawmakers Post-Tribune
Governor Eric Holcomb today announced Dr. Katie Jenner will serve as Indiana’s first secretary of education. (Indy Politics)
Gov. Eric Holcomb fulfilled a campaign pledge Thursday by appointing Karrah A. Herring as the state’s first diversity czar. (Indy Star)
Indiana’s unemployment rate fell to 5 percent, continuing an encouraging downward trajectory since the start of the pandemic. But the number of people in the labor force is falling too – and that’s not a good sign. (Indiana Public Media)
A blue-ribbon panel on Thursday approved a sweeping report that outlines how Indiana should move forward during a huge shift in the marketplace from coal to renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. (IBJ)
Indiana Tests Out Datacasting Technology Bringing E-Learning To Students Without Internet Access
CBS Chicago
Indiana is one of three states trying datacasting out, and it could change e-learning nationwide. With datacasting, lessons are transmitted over the …